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iPhone 5 Voice Navigation

This fall, Apple plans to release the fifth installment of the wildly popular iPhone. Obviously, the next generation of iOS-powered smartphones will include improved core functions such as a faster processor speed, a higher camera resolution, and an increased memory capacity. Apple has a track record of dazzling consumers with their new products, so alongside the improved core functions, the iPhone 5 will undoubtedly bring brand new and innovative features to the world of smartphones.
The biggest of these possible features might be a completely revamped voice control system. Nothing has been confirmed about the specific nature of this potentially game changing feature due to Apple's desire and ability to keep the iPhone 5's specifications under wraps, but bloggers around the Internet have been speculating that this voice control function might be just what Apple needs to reclaim the market share that was lost to Google's Android OS.
Evidence has surfaced that indicates Apple is reworking the voice control system for the iPhone 5. iOS 4 made it possible to use speech commands to carry out basic tasks related to calling contacts or listening to music, but it appears iOS 5 will further enhance its predecessor's capabilities. In early 2010, Apple purchased Siri, a complex voice operating system which interacts with the user in a human-like fashion. A little over a year later, Apple agreed to a partnership with a another voice recognition software called Nuance.
Android already utilizes Nuance, using the technology to convert voice directly and accurately into text messages and e-mail. If Apple uses both of these technologies to their full potential in the iPhone 5, they could potentially introduce a phone fully operational by just the user's voice. Obviously, a keyboard is still absolutely necessary for a smartphone, but Apple's introduction of their voice control software may mean that in the future, voice recognition could become equally imperative.
Although skeptics point out that the Android platform has incorporated phone-wide voice control software in their phones for years, no one can deny that Apple has a feasible chance of recreating the feature and bringing it into greater prominence. By bringing on board two of the world's biggest names in vocal analysis software, Apple is making it known that they are taking voice operation seriously. Undoubtedly, the iPhone 5 will present a slew of impressive features, but it is not unreasonable to suggest that when it is released this fall, voice control will steal the show and prove to be the biggest upgrade in iOS 5.
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